ETSI Trusted List Conformance Checker TLCC



Since 2011, ETSI CTI (ETSI Centre for Testing and Interoperability) and the European Commission have proposed a web portal to allow EU Members States to check the conformance of their TSL signatures regarding the Commission Decision CD 2009/767/EC as amended by CD 2010/425/EU and by CD 2013/662/EU.

In June 2016, the online tool has been updated to match the new requirements for compliance with the legal context applicable from 1/7/2016, i.e. with CID (EU) 2015/1505 relying on ETSI TS 119 612 v2.1.1.


The EU Member States representatives have the possibility to upload their XML Trsuted Lists and check the results.

After having uploaded his TSL, each user gets the following results:

  1. Conformance Checker report

  2. PrettyPrint Pdf version of the uploaded TSL (including accessibility requirements for the PDF)

  3. PrettyPrint Html version of the uploaded TSL

  4. SHA2 companion file of the binary representation of the national XML Trusted List

None of the file that you upload are stored on the portal. They are deleted atomatically when running the conformance testing


The access to the portal is restricted to EUMS representatives. All the access requests must be granted by ETSI and EC.

For requesting access to the tool, please register by sending an email to indicating TL Conformance Checker in the title .

Please provide your name, company and the EUMS that you represent.

This project is funded by European Commission